How it all began : The story of Pony on wheels

May 12, 2019

Growing up, I was always dreaming of discovering the world, fascinated by the different people, cultures, and traditions around me.

Thankfully, life’s circumstances, (or was it my own will unconsciously?!), made it that I ended up leaving my cocoon and leading an expats life.

When you live far from your family, you end up building a whole support system around you, and your friends become eventually the family you create, but sadly in this type of life, people move a lot, and this family you created ends up in fragments in every part of the world!

You first make promises to see each other regularly and you tend to keep these promises until you start having your own little family and this is where things become complicated!

Having kids and a family of your own is magical but it is nonetheless a life changer. When you become a parent, you quickly realize that you have to adapt to a new rhythm, a new routine. What seemed to be a spontaneous simple day out now needs planning ahead and bags to pack. So if a small day at the mountains needs all of this planning, what can we say about a small weekend getaway to catch up with some old friends or family? This becomes, sadly, a very hard thing to do, and with all the planning and the packing that needs to be done, most parents end up just giving up and postponing these plans for when “the kids will grow older”.

When I got to that part of my life where I wasn’t seeing my friends as much as I wanted, and where I was finally ready to start a family of my own, I thought that I needed to find a solution to this “tricky situation” and just simplify travelling and moving around with the kids. This is how my husband and I got the idea of Pony on Wheels; we just wanted to provide a service to facilitate the life of travelling families.

By the time the idea developed in our heads, I had started noticing that the world is heading towards a different way of consumption. Whether it was for environmental reason, financial issues, more conscious behavior, etc... People were less interested in extensive buying. Sharing, reusing, renting was becoming more acceptable and a new economy was being created, one where you can rent/share almost everything from your clothes to your party items. A sharing economy was becoming the trend whether it is a designer’s bag or a car ride, you could share and rent almost everything!

Then, why not rent your children essentials?!

Today, we are only available on the French Cote d’Azur - Come on we are just starting! 

Whether you are considering coming for holidays, or visiting your friends. Whether you just got a job opportunity or are coming here for studies. Whatever reason you have for coming to our beautiful region with your family, consider simplifying your life and give us a try! You will definitely not regret it!

From Sunny Nice with Love, 

Big Baietas ;)


by Lea Zaidan 11 Feb, 2024
Imaginez des sommets enneigés embrasser le ciel azur, des rires qui résonnent sur des pentes douces et des joues roses réchauffées par un chocolat chaud après une journée d'aventure. Oui, skier avec des enfants dans les Alpes françaises près de Nice peut être un pur moment de magie ! Prêt à créer votre propre conte de fées familial ? Partons à la découverte ! Stations idéales pour les tout-petits : Nice est la porte d'entrée vers une gamme de stations de ski adaptées aux familles. Un court trajet en voiture (pensez aux virages en épingle à cheveux !) vous conduit vers des joyaux comme Auron & Isola 2000, qui proposent des clubs "Piou-Piou" dédiés aux débutants et des pistes vertes douces. Valberg, surnommée "Sun Valley des Alpes-Maritimes", offre des vues imprenables et des pistes adaptées à tous les niveaux, tandis que Serre Chevalier enchante par son charme traditionnel et son terrain varié. Au-delà des pistes : La magie s'étend au-delà du ski. Imaginez glisser en luge à travers des forêts enneigées, construire des bonhommes de neige qui rivalisent avec les Michellin, ou profiter des animations après-ski. De nombreuses stations proposent des aires de jeux dédiées, des parcs de snowtubing et même des expériences de chiens de traîneau. Pour une touche de culture, aventurez-vous dans les villages voisins pour découvrir des marchés artisanaux, des festins de raclette fumante et des soirées chaleureuses au coin du feu. Conseils d'initiés : Voici quelques conseils pour un séjour réussi : Planifiez à l'avance : Réservez vos hébergements et vos forfaits de ski bien à l'avance, surtout en haute saison. Louez ou apportez du matériel spécifique aux enfants : Assurez-vous d'avoir un équipement bien adapté et chaud pour les petits. Faites confiance aux écoles de ski : Des instructeurs qualifiés rendent l'apprentissage amusant et sûr. Habillez-vous en plusieurs couches : Le temps en montagne peut être imprévisible. N'oubliez pas le fun : Emportez des jeux, des livres et des activités pour les moments de détente. Priorisez les pauses : Faites régulièrement le plein de chocolat chaud et de snacks. Célébrez les victoires : Applaudissez les réalisations, grandes et petites. Au-delà de la poudreuse : Rappelez-vous qu'un séjour au ski en famille est bien plus que du simple ski. Immortalisez des moments - des anges de neige rigolos, des descentes triomphantes et des soirées chaleureuses remplies de rires. Prêt à vous lancer dans votre aventure alpine française ? Avec un peu de planification et une tonne d'enthousiasme, vous créerez des souvenirs qui dureront toute une vie. Après tout, la magie du ski avec des enfants ne se résume pas aux pistes, mais aux moments partagés sous un ciel poudré de blanc.
Kids on the French Alps near Nice
by Lea Zaidan 11 Feb, 2024
Imagine snow-capped peaks kissing the azure sky, laughter echoing down gentle slopes, and rosy cheeks warmed by hot cocoa after a day of adventure. Yes, skiing with kids in the French Alps near Nice can be pure magic. Ready to create your own family fairy tale? Let's explore! Resorts Tailored for Tiny Tykes: Nice offers a gateway to a delightful range of family-friendly resorts. A short drive (think scenic hairpin bends!) brings you to gems like Auron & Isola 2000, boasting dedicated "Piou-Piou" clubs for beginners and gentle nursery slopes. Valberg, nicknamed "Sun Valley of the Alpes-Maritimes," offers stunning views and slopes catered to all levels, while Serre Chevalier enchants with its traditional charm and diverse terrain. Beyond the Pistes: The magic extends beyond skiing. Imagine sledding through snow-carpeted forests, building snowmen that rival Michelin Men, or indulging in après-ski fun. Many resorts offer dedicated play areas, snowtubing parks, and even dog sledding experiences. For a touch of cultural flair, venture into nearby villages for artisan markets, steaming raclette feasts, and cozy evenings by the fireplace. Tips from the Trail: Here are some insider tips: Plan early: Book accommodations and ski passes well in advance, especially during peak season. Rent or bring kid-specific gear: Ensure proper fit and warmth for little ones. Embrace ski schools: Qualified instructors make learning fun and safe. Pack layers: Mountain weather can be unpredictable. Don't forget the fun: Pack games, books, and activities for downtime. Prioritize breaks: Refuel with hot chocolate and snacks regularly. Celebrate wins: Applaud achievements, big and small. Beyond the Powder: Remember, a family ski trip is about more than just skiing. Capture moments -silly snow angels, triumphant glides, and cozy evenings filled with laughter. Ready to embark on your French Alpine adventure? With a little planning and a mountain of enthusiasm, you'll create memories that will last a lifetime. After all, the magic of skiing with kids isn't just about the slopes, it's about the moments shared under a sky dusted with white.
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Découvrez l'étrange et captivante relation entre un enfant et le chocolat. Explorez les émotions, les découvertes gourmandes et le plaisir coupable que procure cette douceur. Profitez de ces moments chocolatés en famille avec Pony on Wheels, votre partenaire de location de produits pour enfants.
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